Saturday, 6 October 2012


Curious characters in my life
and i have no idea how i came to know this one.
He goes "Vaaaar" "Vaaar"
And the first person to shorten my already short name.
 sigh lazy ass.

People tell "yu have soo many best friends?"
One can never have too many and this one does stand out and remains special in my heart
Another Bangalore Ass, but a sucker for Chennai.

Yea I love yu and your a sweet little "short" thing.
(correct me if i am wrong)

You are good.
direct statement,

Chamathu poruma? :D

For all those days yu made sure i was alright, for all those irritations that yu bore with and yu still will.
I guess we can not stop fighting, but they are cute :)
and i love the fights.
And maybe they will help u too (*winks*)

And when yu do start earning half a crore per annum do not forget me Mr.Director sir,
or rather i wont let yu.
U know that.

There are so many lots of things i would love to tell, and i could fill in pages , but yu are very very special :)

i hate yu chu dog :')
and yu are a lame hugger -.-
And yu are my Bessshtie :)