Monday, 10 December 2012

Little things and the bigger picture

A little piece of string
Every sew of a pattern
Every Voice in a musical
Every sound of Nature
Every single chord in music
Every single drop of purity
Every little word
Every little thought
Every little moment

Golden little things 
Make up the smaller things of life 
Create the bigger picture
Paint the world
Paint your world and mine
Every single moment of life
Every second
Every minute
Every Hour
Every day 
Forever albeit the promise of imperfection

Melt my heart 

Friday, 16 November 2012

Whispers of Your Name

அன்று  உன்  முகம் பார்த்தேன் 
என் கனவை கலைதை 
புதிதாய் பொற் கனவுகள் 
புதிய மனம் 
வாணன் சிறிய சிறகு முளைத்தது 
உன் விழியன் அழகொளியில் 

Andru Un Mugam Parthen 
En Kanavai Kalaithaye 
Puthiya Manam 
Vanan Chiriya Siragu Mulaithathu
Un Viziyin Azagoliyil 

Whispers of a name 
The curls of your beard
The curve of your lips
A breath from Your heart
A brightness of the eye
A kiss of your Love
Dandelions in the wind
Music in my soul 
Past, Present, Future
I Fall So Hard 

Saturday, 6 October 2012


Curious characters in my life
and i have no idea how i came to know this one.
He goes "Vaaaar" "Vaaar"
And the first person to shorten my already short name.
 sigh lazy ass.

People tell "yu have soo many best friends?"
One can never have too many and this one does stand out and remains special in my heart
Another Bangalore Ass, but a sucker for Chennai.

Yea I love yu and your a sweet little "short" thing.
(correct me if i am wrong)

You are good.
direct statement,

Chamathu poruma? :D

For all those days yu made sure i was alright, for all those irritations that yu bore with and yu still will.
I guess we can not stop fighting, but they are cute :)
and i love the fights.
And maybe they will help u too (*winks*)

And when yu do start earning half a crore per annum do not forget me Mr.Director sir,
or rather i wont let yu.
U know that.

There are so many lots of things i would love to tell, and i could fill in pages , but yu are very very special :)

i hate yu chu dog :')
and yu are a lame hugger -.-
And yu are my Bessshtie :)

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Stolen Moments

We sit in peace
A silent hum of a song
Holding hands
At the top of our world :)

Moments of stolen memories
Memories to hold on forever
A perfect gem
Encased in life

An understanding silence
Envelopes the starry skies
Unspoken words
A smile on our faces

Through thick and thin
Hard and fast
Real and demons of the mind
Always and Forever

And something to hold to.
Starry skies and the Sun's glow :)

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Of Jangris and Birthday treats - A dedicated post

Dear Jaangri engira Preethu,

Many more happy returns of the day, Happy birthday :) may god bless yu
and Happy married life XD

The story of your life

Is quite unique
I have never seen quite a bomb of a character of you :)
And yu carry a shell that nurtures everyone around yu
Not just your friends

I really dunno how some one can balance life that
No idea.
Green sand milk flowing face grass itchings and consoling tears and Being there for people
Yeah yu got that all right

Trust is a rare quality and
Yu are that , incarnate

A true leo,
A sphinx...already.

I dunno how to even thank yu for everything.
You have been such and amazing friend
An sister,
a mother
listened to my braggings and naggings

Yur an awesome person,
touch wood,
on your birthday
i wish nothing but the best
and we can do the corns and rain again
another day
I love yu :)
and preethuku oru whistle!! :D

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Silence and Tears - An obituary

Tribute (and thats all that i can possibly do) to a nine yr old 

child who met with his untimely death in the pool waters.

(Ranjan ,Student of Psbb,KK ng who lived his little life next door 

to the place where I

take my classes)  

Too many little children die nowadays.

 I sit down with tears

As i pen this down

I never knew you well 

Sweetie pie,

I can see the ghost of the sparkle 

In your eyes

A Hint of a laughable face

In those photographs 

From Your life

They saw you are a Cheerful chap

Little child, 

I cannot stop my tears

As i think of your parents

Reminders of your life

and Childhood 

will blot their future

I see a blue garment hanging 

In your balcony

It saddens me 

You are no longer here.


Your time came,

They tell me

You belong in the hands of god now 

Do not cry

Do not fear 

Be blessed and 

Rest in peace

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Sāre Jahāñ Se Acchā Hindostāñ Hamārā

Respect the Tricolor

My home land.
Ma India.

She awakens to her 66th yr into Independence on 15th August 2012 , on her 65th Independence day anniversary.

A country rich with diversity
India makes me proud

India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human 

speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the

 great grand mother of tradition. Our most valuable and most 

instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in 

India only.

"If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully 

developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered

 on the greatest problems of life, and has found solutions, I 

should point to India "

- Max Mueller

Bought out of the entombs of the British
We now celebrate and respect our martyrs
without whom we are not the free individuals we are today
-Salute them-

Happy independence day to all :)
Vande Mataram!

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Pandas and Gundus and Canon 550 D

Who said true love is mythical?
A certain finger rised for the cynics


The moment I see him I get that Electric shock through my spine
AH, a million blue blooms together
smell of earth and glint of sunshine

A year and a half and finaaly mera true pyaar, worth wait.
My baby
Canon Eos 550 D
(Now dont raise your eyebrows
its my blog and i get to write any shit love story i want)

 So yeah?
Where was I?
Lovely black body, A lil muscular and sleek, he is my perfect better half ;')
I love you baby :)
and probably the only person who accessorizes her camera with Angry birds \m/ ( self proclaimed professionals and professional please don't faint , let a crazy "lil" girly have her way)

Yes the angry birds,
Enter Gundu Panda and Gundu Anna from Nagpur
Two huge fatasses, I couldn't squeeze myself into the auto with those two sitting in,
But two most adorable creatures sent down to Chennai from Nagpur (dont grow horns now, i know your reading this :P)
So It was just two days of back to back Me bugging the poor Gundus :D

the locations i choose to click your pickoors ! :D

Gundu, Spread the Cheer person aren't you?
and Yus yusss! 
Now i forgot to bitch slap you, but imma goena give you an excuse this time cuz we had such an awesome time :D
Yes i cried when you left, yu wily emotionally targeting idyut !
Now is when i wish you live right here with the other two! :|
Imma going to really miss you!
Gundu Anna!
You prolly had no reason to put up with me and yet you did and i made yu do it
Next time onwards, chatter chatter chatter,teehkay?
your straight smile is still awesome.

So from SRM to Anjappar (YUm) And wasting rupees in roaming texts, auto drivers (ahan) and EA shopping,Early morning Bessi walk, Citi center dont thank me for being your guide, The food was great (Yum) (Murugan idli kadai-now i really wanna put that pic up xD)

The panda and noddy and angry birds will always remind me of you!
and yes i love the pendant too ! yuss yusss! :D
One day maybe you'll realise Noddy is a good guys and understand how perve Angry birds are :P
Until then 
With tears and love and hoping to kick your asses, 

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

A little more than Love.

For a teacher who was more than just a teacher to us

A friend's face
A sister's care
A teacher's firmness
A mother's Love
A father's Caution

We laughed together
You listened to our stories
and told us more
A belief in us
A touch of smile
A hand of compassion
A guide 
A friend.

In the short time incarnate
Yu became us
We became one
You faced the arrows for us
Hold our hands forever
We beg you

To imagine
A day without Yu.
A day so despaired,
A Love so lost
A sorry from the heart

Among us.
We love you.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Reblogged- Date a girl who is a photographer

Reblogged from PAINT ME A PALACE
You should date a girl who takes photographs.
Date a girl who takes photographs. Date a girl whose favourite sound is the click-click of the shutter as it closes and opens to capture a memory. Date a girl who sees beauty in the simplest of things. Date a girl who looks at the world and wonders how to put a little of herself into it.
You might find her in the park, lost behind her lens, the world a blur around her as she tries to capture a single moment in time. You might find her in an exhibit, a look of concentration on her face as she contemplates a photograph that called out to her as she was passing by.  Or maybe you will find her in a bookstore, a book in her lap as she pores over photographs of weddings all the while wondering what hers would look like.
Take her out to photo walks and laugh as she tries to take a picture of you. When she gets tired of walking, buy her cupcakes but wait until she has taken pictures of them before eating them. Listen as she tells you her ideas for a photoshoot on the ride home.
Take her to a restaurant and wait patiently as she surveys the menu carefully, appreciating the food photography. And again, wait until she has taken a photo of your food before digging in. Allow her to introduce you to Ansel Adams while you both eat your lunch. Introduce her to your favorite musician as you wait for the bill to arrive. When you get home, change your Facebook profile picture to a photograph she has taken of you. She silently hopes for it.
Take stolen shots of her. Compile it and give it to her on her birthday. Tell her you love her over and over until your voice replaces the click of the shutter as her favourite sound. Kiss her on the nose as she lifts her head up from the camera. Give her camera-shaped necklaces. Go places with her.
You will never be bored again.
Date a girl who takes photographs. She will never whine about a little dirt on her favourite pair of jeans as she kneels down to get a better angle of her subject. She will never be afraid to go on adventures with you. She will take photographs of you not just with her camera but with her mind as well and keep it to herself to admire late at night. But above all, she will teach you how to look at the world through different perspectives and she will do so unknowingly.

Marry a girl who takes photographs. Ditch those wedding photography books and give her the most beautiful wedding you could. She will teach your kids to find the beauty in everything just as she has taught you. Every day will be an adventure as she tries to create memories photograph-worthy with you. She may wake you up in the middle of the night because she is buzzing with ideas but she will make it up in the morning with a stack of hot pancakes beside a steaming cup of your favourite coffee blend.
Grow old with a girl who takes photographs. Sit with her on the front porch as you both pore over the bits and pieces of the moments you’ve shared together. Stroke her hair as you both relive the photo walks that you took and the places you went when you were both young. Smile as you both reenact your clever wedding vows.
Date a girl who takes photographs because she will never let anyone take you away from her like she will never let anyone steal her photographs. Because she will inspire the fuck out of you. Because she will always see that “something” in the most “nothing” of things.
- Claiie

Monday, 6 August 2012

Blink Blink

I sit down and think in a moment of tranquility
Who was I? 
(Too many philosophy books!)
Maybe I did do too many mistakes
Maybe  I was not the perfect daughter
Nor the perfect sister
A perfect friend at times 
Student ? bleh.
I was tested But, i do know i learnt my lessons 

As the rain drops splash on my face
I can only imagine a life 
so close to nature
 I remember the fragrance of the earth
I remember my crazy 3am text about rain
And the Manga "Wolf's rain"

The world looks too perfect tonight
Twittering rain drops
Natural Bokeh background
I  take a deep breath 
Close my eyes and sleep

A musky sweet smell 
A fading memory
A touch of blueness in my heart
and Love so real :)

Blue i love :D

I dream so real
I dream of a world of tall scrapers 
green aliens (captain obvious)
Rainbows and unicorn farts 
(Recent influence from  Rahul)
Snakes and Aeroplanes
Vivid array of imagination

Ask me the point of this post 
and I shall give you a blank stare
(quite blank -.-)
I've gone a little mad, and high
And I'm laughing too hard
(Its not about anyone's polka dotted underwear or alcohol)
Life - There is more to come
and The best is yet to come 
(No dirty jokes please)

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Birthdays And STFU.







12 am strikes on the clock.
"oooohhhoo oooohh one more night " goes my alarm.
"tring tring goes my call to you"

Its 2nd August ,
A very special day to my certain someone 
(ok, i know i just creeped you sweety)

Happpy birthday Jensy.!!
Many more happy returns of the day babe 
May god bless you.. yada yada yada

So miss awesome 
Yu are the best and the bloody best person ever according to
In you I found a sister
A best friend
You complete me
I should probably marry you

Now where was I?
yes You
Are a gift i found
A gem in the ocean
A person like you is just too hard to find
what would i do without you in my life?

Joyous as a butterfly
dance among the flowers
Prettier than these flowers 
Cheerful as the sun
A true Leo spirited woman

I wish the best for you baby
You mean the life to me
I wish you abundance
A life of music that spins your heart with elation

Dance, Laugh,live,love (me :P)
Happy birthday love :)

I wish i was up there To give yu the birthday bums and wish yu 

and smear yur face with cake !! 


I lowiiie yu :)

Monday, 30 July 2012

Queen Rowling

To begin with this is "Potter head related post" :D

I begin with a salutation (yes salute -respect macha) for the great Queen of our magical world.
I thank You if You stuck with Harry till the very End And Always.
The Trio :)
The magical Journey that began in 1998, and still lives on in our minds and hearts , "THIS IS LOVE"

Always - Love
Hogwarts- That magical school I would give anything, bloody anything to go.
Harry Potter - The Boy who lived, the boy who proved us good triumphs over evil
Hermoine taught us about feminine strength, and being there for your friends
Ronald , dear Ronald taught us, making mistakes is not wrong.
Gred and Forge <3
Snape - a touch o loyalty and Love, Always
And yes I have Dumbledore, Minerva, Hagrid, and - i rather not type the whole long list- i know we love them all.

Look Upto the skies, U stand among them 

An EPIC with love, loyalty, friendship, trust, imagination, values, ethics, evil , confronting your fears.
Worst break up ever.
The day i finished the books.
The day The last movie came out.
Worst break up ever.
But no, 
My love it never walked out of my life.
Harry potter, forever.
and Always
A decade has gone by,
We've grown up with Them,
Lil children today grow up with Harry.
For this is an epic that will last forever.


Happy birthday Jo!
31st July!
Forever and Always In our Lil Potter, we'll love you for giving it to us, Always!
Thank you , for my childhood :)

damn ! shut up and take me in already!

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Popcorn Munchies

Author - Someone who prefers anonymity
Authors Note - Any resemblance or parallels drawn to the living or dead is purely coincidental
and the work of guilty conscience
The post is based on "pure fiction" (if you know what i mean)

" To begin with

Congrats on your new ascent to power.
Finally a head to match your shoulders.
Now you are awesome.
Totally awesome in the ways you devote your time to the welfare of your "Subjects"

You have managed to gain the love of so many people already
We cannot wait to come and rip your lovely heart out of your chest.

Then again, 
You would see me sitting with a bucket of nice fresh buttered popcorn in the background and enjoying "the funnies"

Cute aren't you?

It's funny how power can improve your judgement now to even lower levels.

I'm surprised that you can define even lower levels of judgement with your actions.
"Kya talent"

The one person who is reeking with common sense is you. 
True that, 
we couldn't ask for a better person who can plan things that can only induce peals of laughter in me.
The funnies again.
Quite an entertainment you are.

I just love it when you strut around with importance like a peacock.
I'm sure all of us are aware of the particular "famous saying"

Well am just saying 
I have a feeling that things are going to be interesting and yes, as for your enemies
They have found their place, finally.!!
And they really don't bother anymore, especially after the recent dig.
And the other person with guts, she doesn't care either, because she has a life of her own, so i guess you have a free reign now after all.
Unlimited funnies and pop corn 

Strut around, its just a short period.
The world is in Your hands.!
Adios Amigo

-Munches popcorn- "

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Lamentations of a Book Slut

So, it was a lazy afternoon and as is normal for any bored-out-of-their-mind college going teenager, I was scrolling my news feed on Facebook. 
But as we all know, Facebook CAN be boring too (not that it stops us from logging back in, 5 minutes after logging out).
So I was about to do the log out-log in ritual when a notification popped up. My friend had tagged me in a wall post.
When I saw the picture she'd tagged me in, I HAD to laugh. Everything that it portrayed was shamelessly accurate.

A Book Slut. 
I'm sure many people would be irked by the particular choice of nomenclature. Not so much the "book" part as the "slut". Well, I'm personally not a big fan of profanities. Occasionally, when situations do not permit to vent my feelings by kicking something or someone, a certain F word along with a bunch of it's mates, line up and make their way out of my mouth (but I swear, the satisfaction of kicking is incomparable).

So, where were we? Yeah... the Book Slut. Though some of you might find it objectionable, I love the name (and am proud to be one myself). It's bold and like I said earlier, shamelessly accurate.

What distinguishes a Book Slut from a non-reader and a reader?

  • We don't love books. We are OBSESSED with them.

Imagine this:
A guy. Let's call him Random Dude. So Random Dude gives you two options: In one hand he has 500 bucks. In another, a book worth 500 bucks. What would you choose?

The Non-Reader: "The cash obviously... Duh."
The Reader: "The book... if it's a good one."
The Book Slut: "Oh, that's a simple one. Bitch slap the living pineapples outta whats-his-name, grab the book AND the cash, make a beeline to the bookstore, buy a new book worth 500 bucks. It's a win-win situation. For me."

What you learn: Book Sluts are ruthless when it comes to books and book deals. I'd personally say it's better if you steer clear of being the Random Dude from the above example.

  • We don't hold books. We caress them. Like our own babies.

Books are our most prized possessions. Dare to treat them carelessly and *BOOM* you just got your name on a hit-list, bro. 
Dog-ears, pencil scratches, cover creases on paperbacks, spilt food/drinks on our books are NEVER from us. They are ALWAYS from people we lend our books to. And you have no idea how much these crimes irritate us. Yes, you read right. CRIMES. I mean, do we scribble on you? Do we throw food on you? No, right? Then y u do it to our books?! 


This despicable behavior is exactly what prevents us from lending our books to you. We are scared. Ask for anything: clothes, eyeliner, shoes... you name it and we'll lend it to you happily. But never books. Because you DO NOT know how much it physically hurts us when it goes to you in a pristine condition and comes back as a bloody second-hand knock off. 

  • Nothing makes us happier than a new book.

A new book: a word worth an orgasm. Hell, even BETTER than an orgasm. The feeling we get when we open the packaging (neatly, obviously) and smell the fresh pages... is indescribable. The fingers softly caressing (am i the only one who is thinking of this line in another context? :P) while the nose reaches for the spine and the brain sings "Hallelujah".... mmmmmm.. absolute perfection. Life does NOT get better than that.

          That's how most of us look like after we're done with our package opening ritual.

  • We're magniloquent.. and we know it.
We love words. Fancy words that make a normal person scratch their head with confusion. Like I did, with "magniloquent". It's an adjective used to describe someone with an elaborate and grandiose style of speaking/writing. When you hear someone use a cool phrase, you imitate them. You use the same phrase. Why do you do that? When you get the answer to that, you'll also understand our fascination with fancy words. We think they sound cool, they convey our thoughts better and we love it when you ask us their meanings. Why wouldn't we use them? So, stop complaining. You're only wasting your breath. It's not going to make us dumb down our sentences.  

While we're at this, I might as well add that we're ardent grammar Nazis. The charm of an article, or even a person diminishes vanishes, the minute we realize grammar is something from another planet for them. And it does not take long for us to realize this. 
Everybody has some habit that is like second nature to them. Someone bites their nails, someone has an annoying catchphrase, someone talks incessantly. We correct grammar. It's our second nature, though it earns us a lot of nicknames along the lines of "pretentious", "pompous" and "vain". You know something? We don't deny it. We're actually secretly proud of ourselves for being all of those.

  • We live in our own little world. When you come in and disrupt our peace there, we are NOT amused.

One of the most annoying things a non-reader can do to a Book Slut is grab the book out of their hands when they're reading. What is this? A lame attempt at trying to include us in conversations? I'll tell you what. It is NOT cool. 
We do not read because we feel left out. We deliberately leave YOU out and travel to places unknown to you. Trust me, its way more productive than your conversations which mostly include elaborately spread-out bitching sessions. We do not need your "sympathy". It's annoying and rude. Besides, you'll be lucky if you don't have a broken limb by the time I grab my book back from you.
I felt merciful that day. So no broken limbs.

So, after all these insults and threats, I hope non-readers get a glimpse of what goes on inside the mind of a Book Slut. Though I won't be surprised if you don't. I agree. We are complex beings. And it would take a lot more than a blog post to actually understand us. You have my sympathy.

But it was a real pleasure writing this rant. It felt like saying "payback time!" to all those people who look at me funny. Just because I read books.

The next time you come across a Book Slut, beware. You never insult a higher being. NEVER.

Post Script: This post was written purely for entertainment purposes. The author is solely responsible for the views expressed.
Any offence caused intentionally or unintentionally is deeply regretted. NOT. HAHAHAHAHA... like I said, "Payback time!!"