Monday 27 February 2012

A Dedicated Post - Wolf.

The time is ripe and right for this post ..
the person who helped her grow up
people change and some changes are good.
be blessed if you went through the good.

she had a friend
they knew each other since early childhood
he was like a rock to her
someone who guided her
protected her and took care of her when she was too weak to walk by her own
he sat through all her drama with patience
he was patient
he was mature
he was right almost all the time
and he knew 
he was expressive through art
he had a fine voice (fine it was)
he took care of people
he bragged 
he was independent against the sun set
deep brown eyes and well set towards the goal
he knew to keep going even though he had no idea where he was heading to
he was in control
he had faith
he was playful 
he smiled and he was ever cheerful and positive
he was married to the idiot box 
he loved bhel puri and watermelon juice 
he loved to walk around 
and he still has his ludicrous lone wolf theory :P

and she hopes this helps him remember who he was

 welcome back amigo :).

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